Personal Media Profile
Personal Profile
I have leadership qualities that I have built up From my time in the scouting association and in my time in the Formby High School Tech Crew which I have lead as Head Tech in 2019 till 2021 when I became Tech Supervisor for all events where I’ve learnt to be a leader and a team player.
I am a problem solver which I have learnt from my scouting experience, in tech crew, on my DofE’s and learning to be an engineer in my engineering GCSE and my engineering BTEC where I have had to solve problems under pressure which have ranged from taking the wrong turn on a map to having to build scaffolding to replace a light the day of the show.
Formby High School
I joined Formby High School in September 2016 from Trinity St Peters Primary School. I became a student parliament representative for my form group and later became a JLT representative where I gave a voice to the people in my year group.
These are all my GCSE level or lower qualifications
Bronze DofE
I did 3 months volunteering and physical and 6 months skill for my DofE Bronze.
My volunteering was helping maintain the defibrillators in my local area, my goals where to educate people who to use defibrillator's and maintain them for those who may need it.
My physical was playing Rugby in an after school club, my goals where toTo learn the rules and how to play rugby and improve my personal fitness.
My skill was Tech Crew (like an AV or theatre club for technicians), my goals where to learn about theatre technology, how to use it, use it in a practical way and to work well as part of the Tech Crew team.
SQ Level 2 Qualification in Community
Sports Leadership
SQ Level 2 Qualification in Community Sports Leadership is a course
Silver Arts Award
I did my arts award in technical theatre Lighting, sound, smoke, fog and AV. I was made head tech in 2019 overseeing the tech crew and leading them.
Silver DofE
In 2020 we had to adapt with COVID-19 to continue our skill, volunteering and physical. DofE took away the requirement of a expedition.
My volunteering was helping create PPE for the NHS including scrubs, masks and mask straps which I designed and created over 800 of.
2021 GCSE's