Personal Media Profile
Digital Media & Extended Reality
I am currently studying Digital Media & Extended Reality at the University of Salford.
My course is based in Media City UK where I have had the chance to collaborate with other students on courses based there and I look forward to see what we can create.
This is an image I created with Adobs's AI image generator Firefly and apples subject cutout tool to create a hybrid image.
This is a video about my course Digital Media and Extended Reality at the University of Salford that I made for my Creative Play module for which I decided to make an info graphical video about my course with one of my peers.
I am also a course representative for Digital Media and Extended Reality which has me supporting my peers, champion the course, help give feedback to school reps, lectures and the Students Union.
I have been offered and accepted the role of School representative for Creative Technology starting in September 2024 where I will expand on my work as a course rep and help support Creative Technology course's and the students and course reps fix issues, run social events, promote their courses and assist sabbatical officers with their work.